De spoorsector past technologieën als Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence en deep learning steeds vaker toe. Bijvoorbeeld om te voorspellen wanneer wissels in storing gaan of om machinisten advies te geven over het traject waarop ze rijden. “Asset Management is van origine traditioneel werk, maar er komt steeds meer data bij kijken. Met die data kun je slimmere analyses maken”, aldus Bert van Elburg in een interview met SpoorPro.

Digitizing Asset Management

InTraffic focuses mainly on three topics: infrastructure monitoring, traffic management and travel information. IT is becoming increasingly important in all these areas. On the one hand, technical developments are going faster and faster, on the other hand, there is an increasing need in the market. Use of technologies such as Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and deep learning provide data with which predictive maintenance can be carried out. This makes it much easier to estimate when points, for example, will break down. Data can warn an infrastructure manager in time to prevent the track from not being used for some time. Currently, maintenance is often already performed preventively, but predictive - that is, predictive - is even better. "The current trend is that we are moving more and more toward predictive maintenance with Digitalization of Asset Management."


In the coming years, InTraffic will continue to focus on the future of mobility. This includes both short-term and long-term developments. In the long term, this includes, for example, the Hyperloop. In a relatively short term, opportunities with autonomous vehicles are in play. "We see all kinds of opportunities to apply the knowledge we have on the railroads to the road as well. Running trains on rail is essentially not very different from platooning trucks on the road," Van Elburg explains in the interview.

InTraffic continues on its existing course, with the goal of making mobility in the Netherlands better every

Read the full interview on SpoorPro. The interview is only available in Dutch.