Since 2015, RouteLint has been the application that helps train drivers use railroads more efficiently and sustainably. RouteLint was developed by InTraffic in co-creation with ProRail. By using RouteLint, the track can be used more efficiently and sustainably, reducing CO2 emissions from (freight) train traffic and improving track safety.


Suppose you want to drive to a location in your car. Then it almost goes without saying that you turn on a tool to give you insight into the route and what is happening on it. Often in the form of a navigation system or informative app about works, traffic jams, etc. In co-creation with ProRail, InTraffic developed this support and more for the railroads as well with RouteLint. RouteLint is an application that unlocks authentic source data about what is happening on the tracks, compiles it into information and displays it in a user-friendly way to its users; train drivers.

RouteLint provides train drivers with a view of the train's immediate surroundings. The complex information displayed to the train driver is shown schematically for optimal user-friendliness. At a glance, the driver can see what to expect on his/her current route. The system displays all current information about the driver's current route. Such as the occupancy on the track, which trains enter and exit the route, the planned and actual trains ahead and any delays that may cause inconvenience. This up-to-date information allows the driver to adjust his/her driving behavior and thus makes the use of the track more efficient and sustainable.

Added value

In addition to more efficient and sustainable use of the track, RouteLint offers further added value through:

  • Up-to-date data on the current track.
  • A more sustainable railroad through lower energy consumption.
  • Better flow on the track.
  • Increased safety on the track.
  • Improved punctuality of the trains.
  • Improved cooperation in the chain (such as between ProRail and NS).
  • Better passenger comfort.
  • Social CO2 savings by using unused green power elsewhere.

First step towards ATO

Furthermore, RouteLint as an application takes the first steps toward automatic train control (ATO) by merging current authentic data streams from multiple sources and unlocking them in the chain (to NS, for example), but also shows them in a user-friendly interface. These data streams include the timetable, delays, the position of the train on the track and the position of points and signals. RouteLint is available through ProRail as an app for railroad companies.

Chain analysis for reduction on CO2 emissions

On October 3, InTraffic also presented the chain analysis on the current and potential reduction of CO2 emissions on rail by RouteLint to the European Commission on board the 'Connecting Europe Express'